Monday 11 May 2015


(Note: This article was written on 1st may, Labour day in FB)

I woke up to a happy morning all because of yesterday's events.

1. The department, during our meeting, has agreed to the proposal which Dr Ibrisam Akbar and I have prepared regarding the establishment of syllabus benchmarking committee. The department has also agreed that the benchmark will be made against Imperial College syllabus.

2. A senior staff has requested me to hold a workshop on Finite Element Method specially for the academic staff to which I immediately agreed.InsyaAllah we are going to have this end of May.

I am so happy because these only reinforced the fact that I have truely made a right and timely decision to be in UTP. To be in a progressive group where everybody wants to move forward as a team and at the same time knows what it takes and the quality to be aimed, is all I need, is where I want to be.

I told a colleague that our UTP will be like MIT in 5 years time. When asked how do I know? I answered, I know because I am going to work for it, we are going to work for it.

And the third event that made me a happy man today is when I was contacted by my very capable ex-student late last night, a very2 capable one indeed. She is so capable I was sad letting her go before (she was planning to study overseas). But now, she wants to be with me in UTP for her postgrad study.

I woke up to a happy morning today because things are falling into places and the dots are connecting, alhamdullillah.

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